Nevada Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes (Nev. Rev. Stat. or NRS)

The Nevada Revised Statutes (Nev. Rev. Stat./N.R.S.) is the updated codification of all laws currently in effect, as amended by the Nevada Legislature. This publication is useful for finding current Nevada laws on a variety of topics.  

NRS (official) - print KFN 630 1957 .A22 / Reading Room, Reserve, Reference
NRS (official) - electronic Nevada Legislature's Website (
Michie’s NRS Annotated KFN 630 1957.A43 / Reading Room & Reserve
West’s NRS Annotated KFN 630 1957.A45 / Reading Room & Reserve


Statutes of Nevada

The Statutes of Nevada contains the laws enacted in a particular legislative session. This publication is useful for historical research and Nevada legislative histories.

Print version KFN 625 .A23 / Reserve Room
Electronic version

HeinOnline Session Laws (available only in the Law Library*)

Nevada Legislature's Website (

[*BSL students and faculty may access HeinOnline remotely via My BoydLaw.]

For more information about the distinction between the Nevada Revised Statutes and the Statutes of Nevada, please visit the following links: