Library Resources for Incoming Law Students

Finding Library Resources

You can search for books, e-books, videos, and articles in the library catalogs. For best results, search both the law library catalog and Lied Library's catalog:



Law students may access Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law. Registration information is provided during the Introduction to Law week. If you need help with registration, please contact Prof. Jim Rich (Research Librarian) at

In addition to Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law, law students may access other databases through the law library website (if you are on campus) or My BoydLaw (if you are off campus).

If You Are On Campus

From the law library website (, scroll down a bit and click on "Full List of Databases."

If You Are Off Campus

Log in to My BoydLaw ( Click Menu on the top left corner and select Library to see the list of databases. 


Print materials placed on reserve by Law School faculty can be searched by course name, course instructor, or course ID in the law library catalog.

1. Go to the law library website ( and click on Advanced Search.

2. Select Course Reserves. You may also use search filters such as Course Instructor and Course Name to narrow your search.

Digital copies of some past exams are available. To access these exams, please follow this link (you will first be prompted for your My BoydLaw username and password). Alternatively, you may log into My BoydLaw, then click Menu -> Library -> Past Exams. The exams are organized under the instructor's last name, then by the title of the course.